From the Oxford dictionary thesaurus, Obscenity means something dealing with sexual matters in an offensive way; pornography means writing or pictures intended to stimulate erotic feelings by portraying sexual activity and indecency means offending against standards of decency; inappropriate.

Obscenity and indecency are synonyms. However, indecency is a slight milder than obscenity. Indecency can be elaborated as unconventional and it does not necessarily mean insulting or gross but obscenity does, it is something gross and abusive. Obscenity should be differentiate with pornography because it has different meaning. Pornography is more on sexual activity in literature, films, etc to stimulate erotic sensation rather than emotional feelings. So basically pornography is based on pictures, writings, and also videos.

There was no lecture class for this week. Thus there is nothing much to comment about what I had learn in class. I enjoyed every classes. But if possible please upload notes 1 week before the lecture session. By doing this, students can read through and get some ideas before going to class.

These are the examples of indecency include George
Carlin's famous "Seven Dirty Words" monologues, at least some
portions of Howard Stern's radio broadcasts, and, according to one
court, the text of Allen Ginsberg's "Howl"). source

The concept of "indecency" was first legitimized in a case called
FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, and it concerned whether a radio
station could be fined for airing one of George Carlin's dirty-word
monologues. (source